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Innovative Selling Globally, Sharing Channels Easily
R&F Global Merchandise City (hereinafter as “GMC”) is one of the industry + internet strategy projects laid out by R&F property nationwide
The project is comprised of offline exhibition and trading complex and online ecological industry operation platform
To form OAO (online and offline) smart commerce and trade circulation network.
R&F GMC” is positioned as internet + eco industry operation service provider.
It is developed based on the core operation concept of supply chain optimization + brand integration, to provide industry service of quick- response supply + smart distribution.
Enhance supply quality and frequency of clients for buyers to realize smart and efficient purchase.
Connect quality B-end resources with excellent original works
Lay out online + offline channels nationwide, to promote international original brands.
Use “quick, sharp and resolute” fashion instincts for feedback to buyers of trend-setting products
Work with outstanding photography agencies to set up internet photo service center and provide quality product photography service
Based on internet central sampling room + shared factory, it strives to build a standardized, systemized and professionally run internet central sampling exhibition and trading center.
Assist buyers in precisely finding target product and help sellers to quickly sell products.
Support efficient product supply for fashion industry by arrangement of product order meeting, original product development and supply, offline demonstration, brand promotion, exhibition, channel sinking and buyer service.
By integrating internet channel and marketing resources and with support of internet big-data analysis, Yiding Channel applies refined management on its products and users and achieve rapid matching of demand and supply.
A trend-leading and fashion-focused industry social platform for designers, fashion buyers and fashion icons. Club members will be provided with information, training and resource connection service of the industry.
A comprehensive service platform of foreign trade, particularly designed for R&F GMC. It integrates superior resources of trading, logistics and finance to provide one-stop solutions of business and circulation for a large number of medium-sized, small and micro enterprises.
Integrates transportation and warehousing resources of sea, land and air to provide accurate logistics matching service for clients by networked and informationized means.